After-Hours Veterinary Care

Pre-Surgery & Post-Discharge Support

Is anything more stressful than the words “surgery” or “operation?” At Pets After Dark, we understand. With upcoming surgeries come a host of questions; some big, some small, but all as important to us as they are to you. “Is this surgery really necessary?” “Is there a less invasive alternative?” “How do I best prepare my pet when it comes to diet and meal timing?

Post-operation you’re likely to have even more questions and concerns: “How long does recovery from this type of surgery typically take?” “I’m unsure about exactly how and how often to replace bandages.” “How long until my pet can socialize with their pet buddies or visit the dog run?” “Are there any red flags I should be on the lookout for?” “Is it OK to let my pet play normally or should I limit free play, and for how long?” “How strictly must I adhere to the post-op med guidelines?” “Is there an ideal post-op diet or brand of food for surgery of this type?” “Are there any herbals or balms that might support faster healing?

No more feeling bad about asking questions after-hours. That’s why Pets After Dark is here! What’s more, the answers and recommendations are coming from your regular vet or from a local vet who knows your regular vet. It’s old-school service that gives you new peace of mind, confidence and continuity of care you simply can’t get from other after-hours tele-vet services.