I don’t know about you, but even if we’ve had a pretty mild winter I’m completely ready for spring. I can see Daffodils and it’s energizing. As a veterinarian, there’s always some fatigue associated with this time of year. It feels like most sick pets we see are gravely ill and this can be emotionally draining. Just a few days ago my colleague and I were discussing how many cases of cancer we have diagnosed lately, even in younger pets. Finding out this news is always devastating, not only to the pet owners but also the entire veterinary staff. It is something that never gets easier no matter how many years I have been practicing.
Interestingly, there are links between cold weather and cancer diagnosis in humans. The study showed that people in the Northeast are more affected by cancer than people living in a warmer climate. (Precipitation and Climate Zone Explains the Geographical Disparity in the Invasive Cancer Incidence Rates in the United States) Vishal Shah, Randall H. Rieger, and Liang X. Pan.
There are most likely several factors associated with this phenomenon: sun exposure and vitamin D levels can help protect from certain cancers, metabolic stress caused by cold weather can increase the risk of cancer, and T-cells (our cancer fighting cells) work better in warmer temperatures. A study in mice found that a cold environment, which is known to induce suppression of the anti-tumor immune response, was found to encourage cancer growth in an animal study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)1.
It’s quite possible that we’re seeing more cancer in our patients. But absent of any data tracking , with the spring and summer arrival comes the welcoming of new puppies and kittens. This could certainly dilute our perception.
Nonetheless I’ve been so grateful to be able to help sick patients days, evenings and weekend. Just recently one of our Pets After Dark subscribers whose pet is fighting cancer, was able to call in on a Sunday and have a discussion about his progressing symptoms and their worry for his well-being. Thankfully we were able to discuss a change in his medications and allow him to find relief without a trip to the ER and this happened from the comfort of their own home. Another subscriber called about a vomiting pet and was seen immediately the next morning thanks to Pets After Dark’s ability to schedule a next day appointment. The pet, after abdominal surgery, is now on his way to recovery.
Knowing that I can provide peace of mind to clients and continued care for patients really is what veterinary medicine is all about. This always puts a smile on my face. And of course……Spring!
Dr. Caroline Simard-Swimmer
Medical Director
After-hours Veterinary Care